It is no exaggeration to say the past few years have been a challenging time for our communities. The most vulnerable - from the youngest to the oldest, those with low-income, and anyone who was barely getting by before - are struggling now more than ever.
What connects us? A deep belief that people in Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas want to help each other, and an intuitive understanding that education, health, and financial stability are the cornerstones of a good life.
United Way of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas takes community-building seriously with a hyper-local focus that seeks to improve the education, health, and financial stability of every person in our communities. We help people invest in local solutions, bringing people together to make life better for everyone.
Without a doubt, the workplace campaign is the most high-profile United Way fundraising activity representing a significant portion of the funds we gather to invest in changing the lives of those in need in our communities.
For businesses, a United Way workplace campaign provides an efficient and effective way to achieve your company's corporate social responsibility goals. Additionally, a workplace campaign can help improve your company's employee recruitment and retention outcomes, and add value to your employee engagement strategy.
Studies show employees feel good about working for a company that believes in giving back to the community. In fact, according to Cone Research, 8 out of 10 people prefer to work for a socially responsible company and think it is important that the company matches their charitable giving. Even more, 55 percent of employees would choose to work for a socially responsible company, even if it meant a lower salary.
For employees, a United Way workplace campaign unites staff in all offices or branches of a company and gives them an opportunity to donate, volunteer, and connect with the causes that matter to them. Workplace giving is an easy and effective way to help employees make a difference and show them that their workplace actively supports the community's most important issues.
United Way of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas invites your business to partner with us and be part of this important work. For information on hosting a United Way workplace campaign, contact our offices in Joplin at 417.624.0153 or Pittsburg at 620.231.8140.
It takes all of us to move our communities forward, and United We Can!